About us
The mission of the August Macke House Museum is to attend to the legacy and the works of August Macke and the Rhineland Expressionists, to care for the former home and studio of August Macke, to support research and contemporary dissemination of findings concerning August Macke and his artistic environment, including the epochal phenomenon of Expressionism with its relation to the art of our own time by means of special exhibitions and events. For this reason, the Museum collects works and documents relating to August Macke and Rhineland Expressionists while also maintaining an archive and library.
The heart of the Museum is August Macke's former home and studio, the place where the artist and his family lived from the beginning of 1911 until the outbreak of the first world war in August 1914. This is where he spent his most important and creative years. The house has been accessible to the public since 1991.
In 2017 the artist's home was enlarged by addition of an expansive modern annex. In the meantime a comprehensive exhibition on the life and work of the internationally renowned artist has been installed in all of the 14 rooms of the original house. The adjoining functional annex provides for wheelchair accessible access to the former home and studio of August Macke and includes not only the rooms for special exhibitions and events but also a rooftop patio, a studio for museum pedagogy, a library, the museum shop, and a museum café with terrace in the idyllic garden between the artist's home and the annex, shielded from the street by a high, free-standing glass facade.
The August Macke House Museum is operated without government or municipal subsidies by the August Macke House Museum, a non-profit limited-liability corporation. Partners in the corporation are the August Macke House Association (51%) and the August Macke House Foundation of the Sparkasse in Bonn (49%).
Since the re-opening of the August Macke House Museum
in December of 2017, many people have come to visit.
Read some of their entries here in our guest book:
„Ein herrliches Museum mit viel Liebe und Sinn für’s Detail gestaltet.
Danke – bis sehr bald.“ (26.12.2017)
„Schönes neues Haus, a) ich konnte alles lesen, b) ich konnte alles zuordnen,
c) ich konnte atmen“ (07.01.2018)
Habt Ihr toll hinbekommen: Den Charme des Gründerzeithauses
beizubehalten und gleichzeitig den „Sprung in die (Museums-)Moderne“
erfolgreich zu bewältigen. (24.02.2018)
August Macke Haus is one of the best museums dedicated to one artist
I’ve ever visited! The exhibition is very well thought ever and planned,
the choice of paintings is perfect. [...] I wish your museum all the best
and prosperity in the years to come!
Ars longa, vita brevis… (St. Petersburg, Russia, 10.08.2018)
Ein großartiges Museum in dieser Neugestaltung, Kunst und Leben
August Mackes werden sehr gut und berührend dargestellt. (27.12.2018)
Ce que je trouve
est mille foi plus beau
que ce que je cherche (18.02.2019)
Was für ein phantastisches Museumserlebnis: Leben, Liebe, Familie
und Werk werden mit vielen Sinnen nahegebracht! (16.03.2019)
Absolutely the best designed museum I have ever visited!
Thank you for providing a complete immersion into the life & work
of such an important artist. (Bonn/USA, 17.03.2019)
Es ist, als ob er noch lebendig ist. Ein tolles Museum, Danke!
Ich kenne kein Museum, das soviel Harmonie ausstrahlt, wie das
August-Macke-Museum mit seiner Ausstellung. Großen Dank für die
wunderbaren Farben! (09.05.2019)
Eine gelungene Symbiose von historischem Gebäude und dem
entsprechenden Rahmen und moderner Museumsgestaltung. Wir
gehen beeindruckt, bewegt und im besten Sinn belehrt zurück in die Eifel.
Herrliche Stunden! Sonderausstellung, Kinder-Audioguide, alle so
kinderfreundlich – wir kommen natürlich wieder! (14.09.2019)
Ce musee est splendide. Riche d’interet et d’emotions. Prenez–en soin!
(xxx Belgien)
Wunderbares Museum und sehr gelungenes Konzept! Die Persönlichkeit von August Macke kommt fantastisch zur Geltung. (aus Paris)
Inspirierendes Museum – endlich erfährt August Macke die Wertschätzung, die die Bonner Stadt„väter“ ihm so lange verweigerten… „Quoten-Rummel“ wie um L.v.B. ist hier nicht nötig. Das stylishe, kultivierte Cafe rundet den Kulturgenuss stilvoll ab! (26.12.2019)
It was such a delight to find that the house from my favorite artist was
transformed into a museum. I love to see how the art is being kept alive.
(Houston, TX, USA)