August Macke's home from 1911 to 1914, the house where he maintained his first and only studio on the top floor, was saved from gutting and conversion into a pub in 1988 thanks to the initiative of the Kunstverein Bonn under the direction of Dr. Margarethe Jochimsen.

The city of Bonn purchased the building in June 1989 with the support of the German state of North-Rhine/Westphalia and a donor. Since the city was unable to take on the care of the house as a historical site, it suggested to the interested individuals that they establish an association to guarantee the use of the house as a memorial and research center.

Above all with the help of retired Sparkasse Director Bernd Thewalt, Sparkasse Director Michael Kranz, the Director of the Bonner Kunstverein, and a number of members, the non-profit August Macke Haus Association was established on 26 September 1989 in the former studio of the artist, which had meanwhile fallen into disrepair.

The mission of the Association is to foster the legacy and care for the work of August Macke and the Rhineland Expressionists, to maintain the former home and studio of August Macke appropriately, collect documents and works relating to Rhineland Expressionism, encourage research on Rhineland Expressionism and the Modern Movement in the Rhineland, prepare  exhibitions, assemble documentation, and organize events.

Since the transfer of museum operations to the August Macke House Museum at the beginning of 2019, of which the Verein is a 51% partner and the August Macke House Foundation of the Sparkasse in Bonn a 49% partner, the August Macke House Association is now exclusively active in a supportive role.

Vereinsregisternummer VR 5932 Amtsgericht Bonn

Museum August Macke Haus
Hochstadenring 36
53119 Bonn
T 0228 655531
F 0228 691550
E-Mail: buero(at)

Bank details
Donation account
Sparkasse KölnBonn
IBAN DE52 3705 0198 0000 0188 79


Contribution amount for

Adults 90 EUR
Families (including children up to 16 years) 150 euros
Young people (up to 29 years) 20 euros
Companies, firms and institutions 500 euros

Download Vereinsflyer (DE)

Download Mitgliedsantrag (DE)

Download Beitragsordnung (DE)


The statutes of the August
Macke House Association are here
available for download.

Download Vereinsatzung (DE)


NN, 1st Chairperson 

Dr. Ines Knauber-Daubenbüchel,
2nd Chairperson
Christian Rehm, Treasurer
Elmar Conrads-Hassel, Board Member
Jan Macke, Board Member
Dr. Herbert Vossel, Board Member
Petra Thorand, Board Member
Myriam Ost, Board Member
Dr. Friederike Voßkamp
Martin König
Honorary Chairperson
Dr. Margarethe Jochimsen 
(✝ 2016)